Happy! A lot of things have to go right for new homeowners to glow this bright on Moving Day!
I have to hand it to the Dusablons for their magic touch in helping pull off an epic win. Their purchase of 722 37th Ave. in San Francisco is almost a first-time-homeowner fairytale:
Here's the tally of ways Kevin and Megan's first home purchase came together like clockwork:
- We were introduced by trusted colleagues dating decades back in both of our lives -- the Dusablons' financial advisors "back east" and a mortgage banker I've worked with since 2003.
- They took time one Sunday afternoon just to "get oriented" -- agent to client and vice versa -- to talk all about their wish list and reasons for moving, the market and its dynamics, how prices work, money saved and financing needed.
- They took ALL my advice!! In order!
- First, they got pre-approved with a local lender, making sure they were comfortable with the payment at the price they targeted.
- Next, they spent a couple weekends touring neighborhoods and open houses to test "what they thought they could buy" against where the neighborhoods are, what houses really sell for, and what they "had to have," versus what would be "nice if it so happens."
- Soon as they had a couple houses they thought might work, we jumped in to take a closer look. They learned about disclosures, permits, taxes, environmental matters, inspections. * When it became clear they'd feel cramped, or too far away from work and school, in homes that easily fit their first budget, we re-tooled to see whether they could adjust their target price, or if they would have to "settle" for less than they'd dreamed. That meant learning a little more about taxes and financing (like how big a difference it makes to have the mortgage interest and property tax tax deductions) ... and, checking their gut. What do they really want, and what are they willing to do to get it.
- A meeting with their accountant and financial advisor brought a tweak to their price-target, and we quickly matched them up to the right neighborhood and price-point. Now, it was just about finding the right house.
- Less than a month since the date we first met, Megan texted: "Ohmigosh, I think this is it!"
- Less than a week later, we pitched their first offer. It was a thoroughly researched and carefully balanced equation -- taking into consideration "comps," interest rates (ticking up again), what the house had (and what it didn't), how an appraiser would view it. Informed that the seller had already countered at $100k higher than they could go, we pitched a well reasoned and calculated bid that would be hard to counter.
- I think they nearly keeled over in disbelief (and a little bit of terror) when the seller accepted. ("Our friends told us we'd have to go through lots of offers!" "Yeah, but, they didn't have your Realtor!")
We did have some "moments," but first-home-owner jitters quickly gave way to "I can't believe how easy and quick this turned out to be," to "This is gonna be rad!"
The best news? Open and shut, they did it all: pre-approval, shopping (half the City of San Francisco!), offer, closed and moved in -- in a total of 60 days from the day we first met. Weeellll, they're still unpacking.
It's not always like this. A purchase that truly fulfilled my buyers' dreams, budget, and timeframe!
I'm so proud of my friends from "back home" for making it so. Call it, "The Perfect Storm," or "Just Right" from The Three Little Pigs. I can't wait to see new buyers win like this again!